
MBS Sponsors

Mission Statement

At MBS Holistic Travel, we’re on a mission to heal and transform lives through the powerful combination of travel and therapeutic support. Our goal is to make this unique healing experience accessible to individuals and families dealing with trauma, PTSD, grief, health issues, and stress, regardless of financial barriers. Through partnerships with generous sponsors, we provide discounted trips, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the profound connection between travel and well-being. We’re committed to excellence and care, offering travel experiences that are not only enriching but also therapeutic. With licensed professionals on board, we create a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to explore the world, confront challenges, and find solace in the healing power of travel. Join us in creating a community dedicated to healing, resilience, and hope, where travel becomes a transformative force for restoring balance and well-being in the lives of those who need it most.


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Welcome to our sponsorship program!

At MBS Holistic Travel, we understand that financial barriers can prevent individuals from experiencing the transformative power of our retreats. That’s why we offer sponsorship opportunities to those in need.

Our sponsorship program provides financial assistance to individuals who may be facing financial hardship or other challenges that make it difficult for them to afford our retreats. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal, regardless of their financial situation.

If you’re interested in applying for sponsorship to attend one of our retreats, please fill out our sponsorship application form. Our team carefully reviews each application and considers factors such as financial need and alignment with our mission and values.

Apply now and take the first step toward a life-changing retreat experience with MBS Holistic Travel. We’re here to support you on your journey to healing and growth.

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